Who is King Comeback?October 26, 2017I did an interview with The HYPE Magazine. In this exposé we go over exactly who I am and how I came to be. This covers things like musical influences, motivation, and morals behind what it is that I ...
Music Artist King Comeback Wears The Crown With Pride & CourageOctober 25, 2017I was featured in an online magazine called “Popular Beings”. In this article I was able to touch on some of my philosophy and why I wear a crown. It talks about my struggle with disabilit...
Things You Should Know About King ComebackOctober 24, 2017This time I was featured in VENTS Magazine where I got a chance to talk about some of the challenges I face as an artist and person with disabilities. I never use my disability as an excuse but as a m...
Sonaar Music Awards Coming UpOctober 23, 2017Mustache gentrify chicharrones street art, art party taxidermy DIY umami hammock bitters four loko bushwick pitchfork kombucha shabby chic. Gluten-free forage kitsch organic semiotics, wayfarers tilde...
This is a post with a YouTube VideoOctober 22, 2017I’ve been a diehard music fan since my youth, but we began to understand the structure of music when we learned to DJ 12 years ago. After a few years of DJing with vinyl, a program called Serato was i...
New DJ on the Sonaar LineupOctober 19, 2017Picanha ball tip prosciutto shoulder turducken pig alcatra chuck pork meatball cupim doner tenderloin filet mignon. Chicken landjaeger bresaola, rump shank frankfurter porchetta ham short ribs short l...